Dayna Whitney

Psychic / Medium / Reiki Master

Spiritual Mentor / Channel for Zahara Collective

Helping people heal one reading and event at a time. I have a deep passion to help others to not just start their own healing journey but to help give them clarity and direction in their life

We all deserve to heal, bloom and grow

I help women reconnect to the truth of their inner knowing that there is more for them in this world by guiding them into discovering & understanding their natural intuitive abilities, how to apply them and begin living their purpose while creating more freedom and joy.

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Divine Ethereal Beings


What is the difference between psychic and mediumship readings?

Psychic Reading: This is when we use our intuition or in other words tap into your energy to give you insights about your life, such as your future, relationships, career, or personal challenges. We often pick up on your energy to provide guidance.

Mediumship Reading: This is when we connect with the souls of people who have passed away. We act as a bridge, delivering messages from the deceased loved ones to the living and create a new connection with them

How do I know which session is best for me?

When picking a session you are more than welcome to send a message to that person first and having a bit of a conversation as lot of the time the reader can likely help you a bit depending on if you have something in mind you are trying to achieve or gain knowledge about for your own truth.

But for the most part if something really grabs your attention or you feel rather pulled to - that is likely the session that is meant for you at that time.

It is often why many intuitives will always ask that you go and do a session with the person you are most drawn to as well - as it is often something in that persons frequency or the way that deliver information that may be most understandable and helpful to you - even if in the moment it doesn't always click

What is channeling?

Channeling is when a person acts as a communication link, allowing a being (or group of beings) from another realm, dimension, or plane of existence to speak or communicate through them. The person "channels" this information, often sharing wisdom, insights, or guidance that the beings want to convey, it is not a scary experience it is very enlightening for many

There are many channels that bring through many different collectives and beings - many are here to help by giving different perspectives to help us grow and evolve as our ascension process continues here on Earth

Some well known channelers they you may want to check out are:

Ester Hicks - channels Abraham -

Daryl Anka - channels Bashar -

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a type of energetic healing. It is where a Reiki healer will deliver over distance or in person the reiki frequency - by using their own hands or through the realms and delivering a frequency to your body.

If done in person they will have you often lie or sit in a comfortable position and proceed to hover their hand over different parts of your body

If done over distance the frequency is instead sent and work done in the energetic realms - it is just as strong and powerful - it is often a belief many have that it is not the same

It has been known to help with an array of different symptoms in many different people. Some of the most common effects people have listed are: relaxation, reduce stress, and support healing emotional and even physical at times.

© Copyright Dayna Whitney 2024