My Story

I grew up in a very small town in south western Saskatchewan a town of a whole 600 people. It is a place where the people are friendly and helpful, but to be a black sheep that knew somewhere deep within myself there was more to this world, and not being able to talk about it or get any kind of answers was frustrating. I always knew I was a bit different as a kid but couldn't ever really figure out what exactly it was.

When I was 26 I had a major shake up in my world - I lost my aunt to cancer who was only 33 at the time and almost lost my best friend to a brain tumor the same week. In a moment when I was sitting at home after saying my last goodbyes to my aunt on the phone (she passed within the hour after) I saw her come across my living room and hug me - it felt so real I knew in that instant I was not crazy and there was something much more to this.

After her passing I started to see things that seemed impossible - for example I had walked out to my car one day and it was gale force winds. My hair was straight sideways and yet when I walked up to my car there was this white feather perfectly sitting on the outside of my windshield. That feather stayed there for another 10 seconds or so after I had even got in the car then it flew away in the wind. Seems impossible right? Trust me I hear you on that, but it was part of what started to make me realize there is more to this world, I needed to find this piece of the puzzle.

Another time not long after she passed I found this little tiny frog in my kitchen hopping across my floor. Now let me tell you my home is not near any kind of place a frog would even live normally. I did catch it and bring it out to my parents farm where they have a pond. I puzzled over it for a longtime how that little thing ended up in my kitchen.

I then started my journey into the spiritual world - after discovering Reiki and finding a few other wonderful people I found my mentor and was finally totally validated about why I felt there was more to not just my being but this world, yes I am a medium and a psychic and had other gifts to develop in time as well. I wasted no time in starting to do the inner work and grow confident in my using my gifts and abilities to help others, and start understanding how this world works on a much deeper level.

Finding what you are here to do in the world and doing the inner work truly creates the magic that I always knew existed in this world, and now I get to help other discover the same thing!